TRAP/INFORM notification

pysnmp.hlapi.v1arch.sendNotification(snmpDispatcher, authData, transportTarget, notifyType, *varBinds, **options)

Creates a generator to send one or more SNMP notifications.

On each iteration, new SNMP TRAP or INFORM notification is send (RFC 1905#section-4,2,6). The iterator blocks waiting for INFORM acknowledgement to arrive or error to occur.

  • snmpDispatcher (SnmpDispatcher) – Class instance representing asyncore-based asynchronous event loop and associated state information.

  • authData (CommunityData or UsmUserData) – Class instance representing SNMP credentials.

  • transportTarget (UdpTransportTarget or) – Udp6TransportTarget Class instance representing transport type along with SNMP peer address.

  • notifyType (str) – Indicates type of notification to be sent. Recognized literal values are trap or inform.

  • *varBinds (tuple of OID-value pairs or ObjectType or NotificationType) – One or more objects representing MIB variables to place into SNMP notification. It could be tuples of OID-values or ObjectType class instances of NotificationType objects.

    Besides user variable-bindings, SNMP Notification PDU requires at least two variable-bindings to be present:

    1. SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = <agent uptime>
    2. SNMPv2-SMI::snmpTrapOID.0 = <notification ID>

    When sending SNMPv1 TRAP, more variable-bindings could be present:

    1. SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB::snmpTrapAddress.0 = <agent-IP>
    2. SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB::snmpTrapCommunity.0 = <snmp-community-name>
    3. SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = <enterprise-OID>

    If user does not supply some or any of the above variable-bindings or if they are at the wrong positions, the system will add/reorder the missing ones automatically.

    On top of that, some notification types imply including some additional variable-bindings providing additional details on the event being reported. Therefore it is generally easier to use NotificationType object which will help adding relevant variable-bindings.

Other Parameters:


Request options:

  • lookupMib - load MIB and resolve response MIB variables at the cost of slightly reduced performance. Default is False.
  • errorIndication (str) – True value indicates local SNMP error.
  • errorStatus (str) – True value indicates SNMP PDU error reported by remote.
  • errorIndex (int) – Non-zero value refers to varBinds[errorIndex-1]
  • varBinds (tuple) – A sequence of ObjectType class instances representing MIB variables returned in SNMP response.

PySnmpError – Or its derivative indicating that an error occurred while performing SNMP operation.


The sendNotification generator will be exhausted immediately unless an instance of NotificationType class or a sequence of ObjectType varBinds are send back into running generator (supported since Python 2.6).


>>> from pysnmp.hlapi.v1arch import *
>>> g = sendNotification(SnmpDispatcher(),
>>>                      CommunityData('public'),
>>>                      UdpTransportTarget(('', 162)),
>>>                      'trap',
>>>                      NotificationType(ObjectIdentity('IF-MIB', 'linkDown')))
>>> next(g)
(None, 0, 0, [])